Thursday, November 13, 2008

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

This post is about similarities.


Makati Mayor JEJOMAR BINAY announced during his 66th birthday his intention to run as President in 2010.

He is now projecting himself as the local version of US President-Elect Barack Obama.


The canine for Sasha and Malia OBAMA issue is still unresolved.

Peru offers bald toothless dog to the OBAMA family.

Claudia Galvez of Peru delivered a letter to the US Embassy in Lima to offer the Peruvian Hairless Dog to US President-elect Barack OBAMA. The dog is said to be hypoallergenic which is the main concern of the soon-to-be first family of US.

In lieu with the dog-dilemma issue, the Republic of the Philippines has also suggested a breed of canine to the OBAMA family.

JEJOMAR BINAY is now volunteering to be the first family's pet in the White House for him to be familiarized with the OBAMA-projection campaign in 2010.

Gagawin ang lahat para sa ambisyon.

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